Our Services

We get the job done and act as in-sourced or as out-sourced resources


Valuation is not an art and not a science but you need to use the correct methods for each situation

CleanTech Capital is retained by clients across a range of different industry segments and for different situations, we advises not just in the formative valuation and pricing stages of a transaction, but also in the critical phase of negotiating terms between parties.

The combination of leading edge modelling skills, a fieldwork assessment approach and hands on deal experience, has resulted in clients using CleanTech Capital to help them appraise their strategic alternatives, employing creative yet pragmatic quantification and verification techniques.

At CleanTech Capital we do not consider valuation simply as a mechanical process, neither aa a academic task. Reliable mechanics and good science are, of course, imperatives. Of equal and pivotal importance, however, is the application of sound commercial judgement, transaction experience and common sense. For this reason, we will not rely on one valuation technique or approach.

Instead, we consider it vital to utilise a number of techniques in any evaluation in order to develop, and ultimately derive, an appropriate valuation range for a given business.

Why is everybody still only using base case, optimistic case and pessimistic case, just like before the financial crisis? You need to run complex and robust simulation models.