
Wind Outlook

35.5 GW of new wind turbine capacity was installed globally in 2013, a decrease of nearly 10 GW compared to 2012’s installed totals, and attributable largely to a decline in US installations caused by uncertainty over the Production Tax Credit (PTC) renewal.

Cumulative global wind capacity reached approx. 318 GW in 2013.

China added another 16 GW worth of new wind energy capacity in 2013 – just under half all new capacity added worldwide! China’s installed capacity now totals more than 91 GW.

Europe’s installed basis is now more than 120 GW. However, it added just 12 GW of new capacity in 2013, aproximately 8% less than 2012, thereof 3.2 GW in Germany and 1.9 GW in the UK.

North America now reached a total installed capacity of almost 70 GW, split about 9:1 between the US and Canada. However, Canada added 1.6 GW capacity in 2013 while the US added just 1.1 GW.

India installed 1.7 GW in 2013, to reach a total installed capacity of now 20 GW.

Brazil added 948 MW in 2013 to reach 3,456 MW by the end of 2013. However, with 4,700 MW of new projects in the pipeline in 2013, growth will increase exponentially.


From 2012 to 2018, wind generation is expected to more than double globally, from 519 TWh to 1220 TWh (28% of total demand), more than the EU’s predicted 241 million private households are expected to consume in 2030.

“Wind energy will more than triple its power output by 2020 with 194 billion Euros invested in European onshore and offshore wind farms in this decade”, said Justin Wilkes, Policy Director of EWEA. “This success is mainly driven by a strong EU regulatory framework to 2020, which we need also after 2020”.
